Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31, 2024

I’ll tell you what. There needs to be more July. 31 days is not near enough. How about more July and less January? 

Hiked to White Pine Lake today. I have been wanting to get back here for years. It did not disappoint. Flowers, a mountain lake (with a reflection), granite rocks, pikas (meep), and marmots. That’s just how I like my hikes. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

Caught up with my friend Kelly today. We hiked and saw a moose. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

I was in a really cool place on Tuesday to watch the sun rise. The way the light hit the rocks and how it changed the color was awesome. 

(5:25am, 5:52am, 6:07am, 7:02am)

I’ve been thinking about light all week.

John 8:12 - Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

What an awesome week!

Minaret sunset. Mammoth branch for church. Yosemite North Dome hike. Green manzanita plus granite. Expansive view. Half Dome large and Inyo face. Pizza. Whitney Portal thunderstorm. Early (very, very early) hike. Fellow hikers from Georgia. The hike was not as hard when you couldn’t see. Trail Camp. Mice. Orangest sunrise. Lit spires. Spire view. Consultation Lake. Quiet and stillness at the lake. God. My parents. Nap on a rock. Lake view. Small marmot eating breakfast. Hummingbird. Seeing all the amazing trail views on the hike down. Darren summitimg. Water falling. Granite walls. More views. Even more views. Quick stop at Lone Pine Lake. Alabama Hills. Tall tall trees. “Have you seen the meadow?”  Moro Rock. Fallen tree. Kind of lame King’s/Sequoia. Sleeping in a tent. Not sleeping in a tent and having a shower. Wild burros. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

Sequoia and Kings were OK. I mean I'm not writing home about them but they do have some tall and big trees. “Come see our trees. We have lots of trees. And we have some special trees. We’ll name the special ones and put a fence around them.” But it was kinda cool to camp here. We started our long drive home which became longer when part of I15 closed and the detour sent us through Death Valley. 118 degrees in the evening when we drove through. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024

Trying to find reasons why Kings Canyon isn’t lame. I mean it is a “Refuge for Sequoia trees.” So there that.  The ranger lady was even struggling to come up with cool things to see. “Have you seen the meadow?” :) Sequoia seems a little better since there are more trees. Plus Moro rock was kinda cool. But when this is the best picture I took today things can’t be too impressive.  Tonight driving back to our campsite the road was blocked with a tree that had just fallen. We had no confidence in the people that found some rope and had a truck and yet they moved that tree out of the way with only a 30 minute delay for us. Filing that under a Sequoia experience. 

July 25, 2024

My dad did not like his birthday. Which is funny because I love my birthday. We always joked though that Utah celebrates his birthday a day early. They just can’t seem to ever get the right day. :) Well I really miss him today on his birthday. And really all week. And most of the days since September 20th. The best present we ever got him was a bag of nails. But I wish I could take him a root beer and some chocolate licorice and have him tell me we don’t need to celebrate. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Today we drove closer to Sequoia seeing Mobius Arch in the Alabama Hills on our way out. Crazy how there is this desert boulder landscape and then jagged mountain peaks including Whitney right behind. 

We ate dinner at a good Mexican place where it was 90 degrees inside compared to the 105 outside. Darren go some authentic Mexican dish while I got a breakfast burrito.  Mmm.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024

Woke up at 12:30am, and got ready for a hike toward Whitney. As I got to the parking lot in the dark by myself around 1:00am I thought - why am I doing this? I don’t really want to summit Whitney. But I did want to go for a hike so I started hiking in the dark since I was awake and made it to Trail Camp. (Thankful to have hike most of it with 2 people from Georgia.) I thought, “That felt like such a great hike”. (6.5 miles and 3500 feet up.) So I watched the amazing orangest sunrise ever (while quite cold and hanging out with the mice), waited for Darren and group to make it to Trail Camp, and then sent them on their way to the top.  I found my way over to Lake Consultation and hung at the lake for awhile. It was fantastic. The quiet and peaceful lake was so calming. I loved it. Absolutely zero people at the lake. And then I spent a little time with God in the scriptures and thinking which of course brought some tears because man I miss my mom and dad and how loved they made me feel. I felt a little hug from them. Just a little one but it was enough. Now I need to remind myself that it’s ok that I chose not to do something to do something else even if it makes me look wimpy. Also - took a nap on a rock. Which is oddly my favorite place to take a nap with my backpack as a pillow. 

Before hiking down I found the cutest little baby marmot! I was watching him eat and a hummingbird came inches away from me. So cool!

Hiking back I saw the stuff I hiked through this morning. It was such cool scenery. Amazing! Like jaw dropping beauty. 

Then Darren radioed me from the top. I’m so excited he conquered Whitney. I mean it wasn’t really a question, but it’s still awesome. 

A quick visit to Lone Pine Lake and then back to the campground for an incredible hike. These Sierra Nevada mountains are breathtaking. I love them!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024

Awesome church meeting at the little Mammoth branch.  I said a prayer and Darren helped pass the sacrament. We should have stayed for second hour. What a good experience.

This afternoon we went to Yosemite! Unfortunately we couldn’t enter until after 4:00 since we didn’t think ahead for a permit. We wanted to hike North Dome and we made it happen. It was a super cool hike. So Yosemite with manzanita green, tall trees with green arms, and granite. At the end you get a view where Half Dome is large Marge and in your face. It was an awesome hike!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024

Our tripping has begun. We made it to Mammoth, CA. It’s very pretty here. We caught the sunset at Minaret Point. Lots of peaks and mounts for a nice sunset. I love road trips.  I even like driving through middle of nowhere Nevada.

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

Comedy with D, K and T. Greg Warren, who I think is hilarious, was at Wise Guys in Jordan Landing. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And 1 of their 3 openers was actually funny. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18, 2024

It’s still at least weekly that I feel the huge hole in my heart where my parents should be. It hurts. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

More Mason birthday hanging out. We went to Thanksgiving Point and their dinosaur animatronic stuff for year 3. Watched a bird show where the falcon didn’t want to come back. Then we fed the koi fish. 

Tonight we said goodbye to the Kelty tent. It gave us 8 years but the poles couldn’t take anymore. I will miss that tent. I didn’t take a picture of the dates and places on the tent. Sad. It has been a lot of cool places - Capitol Reef, Arches, Glacier, Bryce, but mostly AF Canyon. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

Happy Mason’s birthday. They came to visit and we got to celebrate. Culver’s, Nickel Cade, Dr Mario (my favorite), and homemade ice cream at the Randalls. Mmm. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024

This was an amazing week! So much good and fun and beauty. Some highlights from the week:

Glacier. Glacier. Glacier. Summiting Timp. Afternoon with S C K. Mountain goats. Green, green Timp basin. Morning light on Timp. Baylie dog. Bears, especially a Canada bear. Moose - in campgrounds and on trails. Deep turquoise Grinnell Lake views from above. Lake reflections. Bullhead Lake panorama. Good neighbors. Sleeping in a tent. Bald eagle. Ptarmigan. Ice cream in National Parks. Montana. Many Glacier. Good burger. 

Here are some of my favorite views from this week:

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13, 2024

Darren somehow got me to the top of Timp. Peaks are overrated and the last mile gives me anxiety, but it was cool to summit. That Timp Basin is just so beautiful. We saw some goats, 2 moose, and a sheep on the side of the road driving out of the canyon. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11, 2024

My Glacier birthday trip was amazing and epic. Some Glacier highlights:

Mountain Views. Waterfall cascades. Lake reflections. Iceberg Lake. Ptarmigan Tunnel views. Going to the Sun road. East side of glacier. Bears! Birthday moose wish come true. Hardly any mosquitoes. Fantastic weather. Birthday treats. Claire and Spencer fried rice. Big Horn sheep at Logan Pass. Bullhead Lake views. Hanging with Darren and Kenz. Chatting and hiking with Claire and Spencer. Our going to the sun road birthday eve bear hunt drive. Comfy tent sleeping. Squirrel dropping pine cones on our tent. Many Glacier ice cream. Waterton burger and ice cream. “Don’t talk down to me.” A campground shower. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

Morning hike to Bullhead Lake. This trail must have been labeled a silver trail as we saw lots of senior citizens hiking this one. But it was a good one. We passed Fishercap Lake and Red Rock Falls. Bullhead Lake made it on my favorite lakes list. It was just what I think of when I dream of a lake to hike to. So pretty and the reflection was amazing. We also saw a ptarmigan which adds to our cool birds list with the osprey and bald eagle.

We took a small detour to see the Two Medicine section of Glacier. Remind me next time that I might think I want to see Two Medicine but I don’t really. I’m pretty sure last time I went I said I didn’t need to go back. But we saw one more moose that said goodbye and to come back to Glacier soon. Dinner was at Mackenzie River pizza in Helena. Mmm. Quite a bit better than our lunch at a run down restaurant in East Glacier. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

July 8, 2024

Redemption for the campsite came in the fact that a mama moose and baby walked right past us this morning in camp. Then a deer had breakfast right next to us. Also, a squirrel woke us up by dropping pine cones on our tent from the tree above. 

It became a 3 moose morning as we saw a moose on our hike. My birthday wish last night blowing out a candle was to see a Glacier moose. Wish granted! Also jaw dropped from our hike view. (Grinnell Glacier Trail) So pretty. You could see a turquoise lake, jagged peaks, green mountainside, and multiple waterfalls - sigh. I’m sad the trail was closed part way up but I guess that just means I need to plan a return trip. 

Ice cream closed out our day which really is the best way to close out a day. 

See the picnic table, our car, and the bathroom right there.  Oh, and the deer.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024

Darren mentioned this morning that 50 was a rough year. It was rough. Really rough. Thank goodness for family, good friends, and the good things. 

Headed to Waterton Lakes in Canada for my birthday. Ice cream, burger, bald eagle and a bear made up for the medium minus hike we did. Although it’s always nice to hike in kilometers on a birthday. 

Our Many Glacier campsite was a bit disappointing. Let’s just say we can almost touch the bathroom from our site. 

Here's a picture of the birthday bear and one of the many sheep that wished me a happy birthday eve yesterday.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6, 2024

Such a great birthday eve hike today in Many Glacier. We all hiked to Iceberg Lake which is just so cool. I was happy to get back to this spot. (Plan A was the Highline trail for today but since that was closed we went with plan B. Plan B was fantastic.) On the way back from Iceberg (again let me mention how super cool it is) we added on Ptarmigan Lake. Then D and I continued hiking till Ptarmigan Tunnel which had amazing views! I loved this part. It had some amazing views! It was a long hike down and my knees and back were not happy but everything was in agreement that it was worth it. Panoramic beauty!

Back at camp Spencer and Claire made dinner and even had a birthday dessert with a candle. Awesome! 

Went on a bear hunt this evening and were surprisingly successful. What?!? Two beautiful brown birthday bears. We also added a birthday goat and some sheep. Add that to the birthday marmot from the hike and that is a good wildlife day. 

To top of this amazing day there was a super pink sunset. Sigh. 

Today was one of those perfect days you couldn’t recreate if you tried. One I’ll remember for a long time. Sigh. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024

We made it to Glacier! First stop Lake McDonald. Well first stop was the line to get into the park and then the next stop was the line to show your road permit so I guess our third stop was Lake McDonald for a sandwich and a view. Next stop was an amazing parking spot at Avalanche Lake for a hike. Lots of green and tall trees and a pretty lake at the end with lots of cascades. Pictures didn’t show the cool color of the water. Such a greenish blue. While I think this hike is overrated, it was still a good stop. 

Drove to the sun with no parking at Logan Pass but Darren spotted some big horn sheep so that was cool. 

St Mary campground is kinda ghetto but it’ll make for a good home base. Chatted with Claire and Spencer and then got in the tent to wait for it to get dark and go to sleep. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4, 2024

Today just felt a bit wrong. I should have seen my parents. How my mom loved having her family around for Independence Day. We had a good morning with a breakfast and 4 square and that was nice but then I just ignored that it was the 4th and D, Kenz, and I drove to Missoula to begin our Glacier trip. A Montana outhouse, and pizza at a casino and it is officially a road trip. We collected so many bugs on the car. Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

After almost 10 years of weekly working at the library building, tonight was the last time working in that space. It was a little bittersweet as a new building will be great but the old one has some good memories. I’m mostly sad that Hannah won’t be coming to the new place. I sure enjoyed working with her.