Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29, 2024

Still smiling at our Teton trip. Some of the many things still making me smile:

Awesome campground and great campsite (18). Jagged mountain peaks. Calm reflective Jenny Lake. Moose (regular and Swiss - ha ha). Black marmots. Uinta squirrels. The most amazing camping weather. Delta Lake. Random lake wind gusts. Nightly coyote howling. Hot chocolate and 5 Crowns. Tent sleeping with friends. Colter Bay chatting. Only a few mosquitoes. Baby pronghorn and mom. Deer and spotted fawn. “Where are the pika?” - “Meep.”  Ragging waterfall all to ourselves. Hiking to a point the inspires. Sunrise so pink. Finding parking spots. String Lake. Paddle boarding with a beautiful backdrop. Leigh Lake rest stop on the boards. Liberty Burger and sweet potato fries. Soaking in everything for 4 days and 3 night in a gorgeous place with my Snow grinds. 

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