Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024

This morning we tackled Delta Lake. Wahoo! Hard hike with a beautiful payoff of a milky blue lake with Grand Teton behind it. Saw a mama pronghorn with her baby pouncing around in the meadow on our drive to the TH. Also saw black marmots at the lake. Coming down some guys from Switzerland told us there was a moose up on the hill. Turns out it was a deer with antlers. We called them Swiss moose all trip. :)

After our hike we stopped at Cottonwood Creek to relax and soak our legs. It was nice to wash off our sweatiness. Patty spotted a moose in the creek across the way. Awesome!

Dinner in Jackson at Liberty Burger. It tasted so good after our hike day. 

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