Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020

Wonderful day. Hike in the morning that was just an all around great 3.5 miles to primrose cirque. Then Mason and I took a short road trip to ephraim and back. We stopped in Moroni at Biggies for some chili nachos. Then my dear high school friend Kirsti called just to talk and we chatted for an hour. Haven’t talked to her in a few years. She will always remain a dear friend that you can pick up a conversation even when it left off years ago. Friday evening had D and I at a wedding reception for Jared Keiser’s daughter and it was great to talk to Jug and Andrea. I especially love watching Darren and Jared laugh and tease and be good friends. Finished off the day with some Dickey’s BBQ and watching Jumaji 2 with M and C. Good day.

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