Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3, 2019

From Mason's email:

This week I went on exchanges to Memphis twice! Memphis has a little bit of my heart. So I loved being there again and we had a really funny thing happen. So we were biking and came across a lady. She was kinda freaking out saying she heard a man down the hill who was yelling help. So we parked our bikes and decided we had to see if someone was actually in need of help. Keep in mind it's like a 20 foot hill through the jungles of Memphis. So we climb down through spider webs, probably a lot of ticks, and bugs, got all dirty and at the bottom there was a barbed wire fence. So we start walking along it through the bushes, and then we saw it. There was a goat! At this point the lady had called 911 and was talking to them, so we told her to hang up and it was just a goat and she was super embarrassed. We started climbing back up and we got back and she was gone so we didn't even get to talk to her haha. Long story short, we explored through the jungle in search of a goat.

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