Thursday, July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

Great backpacking with Sadie. We went up AF Canyon to the Summit (just off the Horse Flat trail) with Tamara and Becca Bell. 

Lots of relaxing and enjoying our campsite. The girls made a great fire that we chatted around and enjoyed. Sadie said - in trying to get warm by the fire, “you have to rotate, like a marshmallow.”  Also enjoyed some raspberry crumble. Mmm. String lights were a great choice to bring. Worked great in our tent for playing Crazy 8 that Becca taught us. Sadie and I were cold all night but it was a quiet night so yea for no scary sounds. Also - best campfire I’ve ever enjoyed. Let’s do this again. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020

Sometimes what you need for lunch is an arctic circle corn dog and fries. Cam agreed but substituted chicken rings.   It was a great lunch after a hike with Kelly to Lake Catherine.

My dad called and thanked me for the birthday present I sent. He was so happy and it was just the chocolate licorice. We’ve had a debate for years that I call it chocolate licorice and he insists licorice is a flavor and it is actually chocolate twists. I think he’s right. But I’m not telling him that. :). When I was young we used to always have chocolate licorice on trips. We both really enjoyed that treat.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020

Remember that one time in sacrament meeting when Rylie showed you her tag on her dress that was in the front?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 25, 2020

Happy my dad’s birthday. I sent him some chocolate licorice because I don't know what to get my dad for his birthday and he really doesn't want anything besides a bag of nails so about every other year he gets chocolate licorice.

The boys had a good time backpacking. Always good to hear of their fun, safe adventures. I think it’s pretty cool that after all these years, they’re still going with Clayton. The people fluctuate a little but Darren, Clayton, and Josh are pretty consistent. 

(Darren, Mason, Clayton, Tanner, Taylor, Brian, Ken, Matt - not pictured Josh and girls)

Friday, July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020

I love summer. Early mornings, long daylight, sitting outback in the shade, having to think about what day it is..  I just love all that summer has. 

Today I enjoyed a late birthday celebration with Steph and Kelly eating some Seven Brothers burger and fries.  Mmm.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 22, 2020

Last minute decision to visit the Tetons had us on a 3 day 2 night vacation - D, Ang, Kenz, Mason, Cam, and Sadie. We stayed at the cutest little Airbnb in Tetonia. It was such a great little place to stay. Cows in the backyard, birds of prey flying past, waking up to the sounds of elk, plus a view of the backside of the Tetons out the window. I absolutely love the Teton Valley in Idaho. I’ve only visited twice but each time it just speaks to my soul. I just might have to move to Driggs someday.

As far as the Tetons went, we had a good hike to Taggart Lake Monday afternoon after a long drove to get there. I love this hike and we sat on a rock at the lake for awhile and put our feet in the water. We took the long trail back - not realizing it was the long trail. Sorry kids. 

Tuesday in the park saw us pretty much driving around looking for a parking spot. We drove the Jenny lake scenic drive twice on accident but listened to some Queen to make things better and found a pullout that we took advantage of. We ate lunch at the pullout and then Darren found us a little place that took us down to Jenny Lake to a fabulous spot where we hung out skipping rocks and stacking rocks and throwing rocks and sitting on the rocks. This was my favorite part of the trip. Darren and I tried to walk in the lake on the rocks but it was too painful. 

After that a few of us wanted to hike to Hidden Falls so we did. Kind of a rough start as some did not like that idea while some did. It was a good hike where we found the spot Darren and I had taken Kenzie and Mason 19 years ago. We made it to the waterfall and it felt like Corona city so we left quite quickly. We decided to ride the ferry back across the lake which gave us a little Disneyland feel as we had to wait in line. 

Then it was back to our place but not before waiting 90 minutes to get our dinner. Luckily it was pretty much worth the wait to eat a little Brakeman Grill burgees, fries, and onion rings. Mmm. We watched some more Alone episodes and played Scum and enjoyed staying at the Black Beauty. 

Wednesday we dropped Darren and Mason off in Pinedale where Tanner met us - for their backpacking trip with Clayton and Josh and Brian and Taylor and Matt to the wind rivers (pretty much doing the trip D and I did 2 weeks ago).

Monday, July 20, 2020

July 20, 2020

“Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.” - Dr Emmett Brown (Back to the Future)

I feel like I might need this quote sometime.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

July 18, 2020

Cool night! D, Ry, and I came up to the Uintas to see the NEOWISE comet. We quickly set up the trailer (Sulphur campground site 13). Then we hiked Bald Mountain at sunset and for the comet.

The night sky here was so amazing! You had a cool sunset and we were watching it from on top of the world (over 11,000 feet). Then the comet comes visible which was way cool (even though it was blurry). Then there were so many stars sparkling plus you could see the Milky Way. Sigh. It was all so beautiful and awe inspiring. 
Quotes - “I was hauling bootie up so I could see the sunset.”  - Rylie. (Hailing bootie. Ha ha.)
“I wish I had my trail buddy.“ (His hiking pole.) - Darren. “I’m right here.” - Rylie :)

Checked off hiking Bald Mountain, seeing a comet, and doing a night hike.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020

Early morning hike for me with Lorien to Cecret Lake via Albion Basin trail. Flowers and a clear lake with reflection for a beautiful summer morning hike. Afternoon had Ry being a great sister - kayak with Cam, sunset and Chicken in a Biscuit with Sadie, and telling us how she coughed loud at the park so Cam could fart and no one would hear. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

July 15, 2020

(Angee, Sadie, Camrie, Darren, Mason, Kenzie, Tanner)

Happy birthday to Mason. So great to celebrate with the boy. Although I’m still not sure how 21 has come about. We went to Snowbird to play for a few hours. (D, A, T, K, M, C, S). Coaster ride (with a horrible wait time), alpine slide (my favorite), rock climbing and vertical drop (for some), trampoline (for Sadie), tram, and ski lift down where we saw a moose to end our fun. (Even have a small birthday snowball fight.) Then JCWs for birthday dinner. Nothing says celebrating like a burger and fries. (Mason’s jalapeño burger was extra spicy for the birthday boy. :)). Birthday evening had Mason hanging with friends.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 8, 2020

Such a great birthday trip backpacking in the Big Sandy area of the Wind Rivers in Wyoming.  Beauty (and mosquitoes) all around. 

We saw Big Sandy, Cirque of the Towers, and Deep Lake.  Plus all sorts of pretty stuff in between.  Loved our campsite on the right as you come to Big Sandy.  The mosquitoes were in number beyond comprehension.  Think of as many mosquitoes as you can, and then times it by 6.  Thanks be to our mosquito net hoodie.

My summary:

Wind Rivers - where the wind blows, the mosquitos are plentiful, the marmots run free, the lakes are big, the peaks are bigger, and the beauty is staggering. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 5, 2020

Make your own pizza Sunday dinner at the Randalls was a great start to birthweek.

If you're playing Bang, if you're Slab the Killer, you'll have an advantage - right Tanner?  :)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4, 2020

Quick visit to my parents for the 4th of July because, well, it’s the 4th of July.

We went to Ideal Dairy before we left because, well, it's the Ideal Dairy.

Friday, July 3, 2020

July 3, 2020

Found two really good quotes that I had written down in 2016. 

Sister Janet Lee - BYU Speeches 1995. "We cannot have every talent and every virtue. The only way we can experience all that is virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy is to enjoy at least some of it vicariously. We may never play tennis like Chris Evert, sing like Ariel Bybee, or throw a football like Steve Young, but we can come closer to appreciating those talents if we spend our time in joyful observation rather than in degrading envy. If we are troubled by the inadequacies of our home when we visit our neighbor, then we have rejected their gift of hospitality. If we belittle ourselves when we study with a brilliant friend, we close our minds to at least part of what we could be taught. If we berate ourselves as we observe the gentle nature of President Hunter, we miss the magic of his example. Being able to appreciate and encourage the gifts of others may well be the greatest gift of all."

Sister Virginia Pearce, "The uncertainties of earth life can help to remind each of us that we are dependent on [our Heavenly Father]. But that reminder is not automatic. It involves our agency. We must choose to take our fears to him, choose to trust him, and choose to allow him to direct us. We must make these choices when what we feel most inclined to do is to rely more and more on our own frantic and often distorted thinking." 

Also, Baylie really, really, really loves the park and playing frisbee.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

July 2, 2020

I went to see Blanche yesterday. I’ve decided she’s like the fun aunt you go visit. The drive there is hard but it’s ok because you’ve got snacks. And then you get there and it’s fun. But you realize you’re not the only one she invited over. Then it’s time to leave and the drive home is long. You make it home and think - that was fun, but I don’t think I need to go visit Blanche again very soon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1, 2020

We have baby birds in our tree!  It makes me happy to watch them. 

Quote from Dallin H Oaks - April 2011 GC. Readjusting our desires to give highest priority to the things of eternity is not easy. We are all tempted to desire that worldly quartet of property, prominence, pride, and power. We might desire these, but we should not fix them as our highest priorities.